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Bridgette Henderson

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Bridgette aboard Whinny

I have been riding for as long as I can remember.  Being gifted riding lessons for my 6th birthday, my passion for horses has only continued to grow over the years. 


I successfully competed in Hunters, Jumpers and Equitation as a junior rider, taking a brief break from competition as an adult to pursue a career to pay for my dream farm.  I greatly enjoy starting and developing horses for the show ring, with building and maintaining their trust always of utmost importance and top of mind for me. 


In 2016 I purchased our farm in Merritt and was finally able to see to developing my passion for breeding.  I bred my first mare, Quartzee, who produced Cornelia in 2017.  I haven't looked back since, reproduction is truly my passion!


Always a student in the equine world, I enjoy continuing my education to benefit the horses in my care.  I have found my passion in breeding and reproductive work in addition to equine nutrition, farrier and veterinary care, I strive to never take a day away from learning.  I greatly enjoy doing my own reproductive work and I believe the mares and foals benefit greatly from it, too.  Foaling out my mares is always exciting, no matter how little sleep I have, the sound of the first maternal nicker will always bring warmth and joy to my heart.

We found our niche in having a private barn, with only our horses living here.  Our  breeding program remains small so that we can focus on giving the highest quality care to all of our horses and they truly thrive in our environment.  Click below to read more about our philosophy here at Winsome Meadows!



The Winsome Meadows Family

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Derek, Bridgette's husband, found his love for equines later on in life, however has found a passion for providing the best care for the horses.  He is incredibly supportive of Bridgette's endeavours and is always by her side in the barn and breeding shed.  The horses love him almost as much as Bridgette does!


Sheila, Bridgette's mother, was the driving force behind Bridgette's love for horses.  Sheila still rides with Bridgette.


Al, Bridgette's father, is the support that every little girl dreaming of a pony ever wanted and more.  Al still provides sound advice to this day when the rest of the family is too enthralled in their equine passion.
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Hailee, Bridgette's step-daugher, has an obsession that rival's Bridgette's when it comes to horses.  She has her own Welsh pony, Sprinkles, and hopes to get into the show ring soon!




Bryce, Bridgette's step-son, loves farm life and looks forward to when he is old enough to drive the quad!



Ashton, Bridgette's step-son, enjoys farm life and is a great help with chores and driving the farm quad.  He also enjoys riding our local trails on his mountain bike.

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